Rank: 696, Location: Bangladesh, Academic Reputation: 21.30, Employer Reputation: 44.90, Faculty Student: 11.70, Citations per Faculty: 2.60, International Faculty: 1.70, International Students: 1.00, International Research Network: 2.10, Employment Outcomes: 30.30, Sustainability: 11.60, Overall: 17.15
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Rank: 801, Location: Bangladesh, Academic Reputation: 15.60, Employer Reputation: 34.80, Faculty Student: 16.90, Citations per Faculty: 12.00, International Faculty: , International Students: 1.00, International Research Network: 1.20, Employment Outcomes: 7.00, Sustainability: 3.40, Overall: 14.62
North South University
Rank: 857, Location: Bangladesh, Academic Reputation: 12.10, Employer Reputation: 48.40, Faculty Student: 5.60, Citations per Faculty: 2.30, International Faculty: 12.20, International Students: 2.40, International Research Network: 1.10, Employment Outcomes: 13.30, Sustainability: 1.10, Overall: 13.42
BRAC University
Rank: 1045, Location: Bangladesh, Academic Reputation: 10.60, Employer Reputation: 29.10, Faculty Student: 12.40, Citations per Faculty: 1.90, International Faculty: 2.50, International Students: 1.40, International Research Network: 1.10, Employment Outcomes: 9.60, Sustainability: 1.10, Overall: 9.95
Daffodil International University
Rank: 1239, Location: Bangladesh, Academic Reputation: 8.00, Employer Reputation: 16.50, Faculty Student: 3.90, Citations per Faculty: 2.40, International Faculty: 4.80, International Students: 2.00, International Research Network: 1.00, Employment Outcomes: 10.10, Sustainability: 2.00, Overall: 6.74
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology
Rank: 1253, Location: Bangladesh, Academic Reputation: 8.00, Employer Reputation: 12.60, Faculty Student: 7.20, Citations per Faculty: 4.50, International Faculty: , International Students: , International Research Network: 1.00, Employment Outcomes: 11.30, Sustainability: , Overall: 6.53
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology
Rank: 1279, Location: Bangladesh, Academic Reputation: 5.90, Employer Reputation: 11.40, Faculty Student: 11.20, Citations per Faculty: 4.80, International Faculty: , International Students: , International Research Network: 1.00, Employment Outcomes: 8.30, Sustainability: 1.00, Overall: 6.08
East West University
Rank: 1323, Location: Bangladesh, Academic Reputation: 5.80, Employer Reputation: 14.60, Faculty Student: 3.10, Citations per Faculty: 2.50, International Faculty: 1.30, International Students: 1.00, International Research Network: 1.00, Employment Outcomes: 10.50, Sustainability: 1.00, Overall: 5.48
Jahangirnagar University
Rank: 1376, Location: Bangladesh, Academic Reputation: 8.50, Employer Reputation: 13.70, Faculty Student: , Citations per Faculty: , International Faculty: , International Students: , International Research Network: 1.20, Employment Outcomes: , Sustainability: , Overall: 4.67
United International University
Rank: 1403, Location: Bangladesh, Academic Reputation: 5.60, Employer Reputation: 8.90, Faculty Student: 2.50, Citations per Faculty: 2.40, International Faculty: , International Students: 1.20, International Research Network: 1.00, Employment Outcomes: 9.70, Sustainability: 1.00, Overall: 4.39